Meet our Team

Our team comprises diverse skill sets and experiences intricately woven
together through seamless integration across engineering, design, and marketing disciplines.

Abubakar Ishaq


Mavis Normanyo

Co-founder / Managing Director

Mercy A. Dankwah

Assistant Admin / Secretary

Emmanuel Mbir

Principal Engineer

Prince Antwi

Front End Developer

Micheal Otoo

Graphics Designer

Francis Sarpaning

Lead Software Engineer

Sampson Agbedanu

UX/UI Designer

Our vision & mission statements

To empower business and industries with top-notch, personalized innovative software solutions that fuel growth and profitability.

To push boundaries and lead the way in software innovation, providing groundbreaking solutions that compete in the global tech landscape.
UI/UX Designs

Acknowledging the paramount importance of online user interface and experience, we provide tailored UI/UX design services to align with the aspirations of our clients.

Web & Mobile App Dev.

We craft impactful web and mobile apps that seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetics, leveraging our custom-tailored services to transform your ideas into reality.

Digital Marketing

We offer digital marketing services that are meticulously designed to enhance our clients' online presence to ultimately drive increased customer engagement and growth.

Brand Identity Dev.

We are on a league of our own when it comes to crafting compelling brand identities that resonate with your audience and set you apart using tools that match your needs.

“Gitcall Limited surpassed our expectations and brought our vision to life flawlessly. Their dedication, attention to detail, and seamless communication throughout the development process ensured a stunning and high-performing website.”

Ahmed Croner / YPGroup Founder

"Gitcall Limited's marketing and brand identity development team had the ability to capture our brand essence and translate it into compelling visuals and messaging was remarkable. Working with them was a pleasure, and we're thrilled with the results."

Will Johnson / xChange Founder

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  •  Lapaz, Accra, Ghana
  •  +233 20 871 7169

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